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Above the Clouds


Date: 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday)

Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Venue: Camden Medical Centre

#01-04, 1 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 248649

For Queries, Contact +65 9457 5347 / +65 9154 5642

In this forum, you will learn to:

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✅  Increase by 10 Xs your
Immunity Levels


✅ Ward off 99% of the horrible side-effects of chemotherapy / radiotherapy / & other types of drugs including surgery


✅ Regain your “Qi” - Vitality 🏌️Strength 🧬 Stamina 🏃‍♀️ Longevity & Boosting NAD+ Naturally 


✅ Starve Cancer cells / Enhance NK Natural Killer Cells /  Maturing Dendritic Cells


✅ Better manage Sugar, Cholesterol & Triglycerides Organically


✅ Improve brain functions / Fueling the neurons
Harnessing the power of the mind to heal the body


✅ Different diet formulas for different Cancers / Diabetes etc!

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✅ Unclog The Lymphatic System Nourish - Cleanse - Boost

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Franck Wong

Franck Wong is a seasoned Nutritionist & an acclaimed International Wellness Speaker with 20 years experience. A lecturer on micro-nutrition to pharmacists, nurses and doctors at hospitals.


Along with his team of consultants, thousands of cancer patients as well diabetics, etc have benefited from his forums & their approach to mindset, diet nutrition & fitness!

A Neurolinguistics expert who helps strengthen minds to overcome adversities, illnesses & diseases. 




Date: 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Camden Medical Centre
#01-04, 1 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 248649

How to Reach Us:
1. MRT (Walk about 1 min, 120m)
Thomson East Coast Line: TE 13 - Orchard Boulevard


Jessica Knox

I’m a Cancer Recovery Specialist
• Here’s my story - back in 2019, I met Franck - a prolific international wellness speaker, 

when I was in need of organic nutrition because of my triple negative breast cancer ordeal - I joined the seminar & it changed my life in more ways than one.

It was transformative to say the least, it inspired me to help others like myself too .. 

Come join us in this exciting & truly beneficial seminar - I’m pretty sure you’ll benefit from it, 

I’ll share with you my metabolic journey as a patient to advocate of this wonderful health system! 

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Anton Lucanus

Special Guest Star 

Anton is a scientist specialised in the field breast cancer research.

An Anti-Aging Fitness Coach who will be sharing his knowledge with you on how to stretch & exercise with the correct moves & on specialised breathing techniques!

Come listen to his advise on breast cancer improvements.

Our Passionate Team Of Dietitians, Nutritionists, Health Consultants & Fitness Coaches Will Help You Achieve Optimal Health!


Elizabeth Gan

Certified Dietitian

Bachelor of Dietetics (Hons)

The National University of Malaysia


Charis Cheah

Certified Nutritionist
UKBSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition
University of Leeds


Jessica Knox

Certified Integrative Health and Wellness Coach/ Certified Cancer Recovery Coach/Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist/Certified Breast Cancer Recovery Specialist           Diploma in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling


Dr Jason Tan GY (Retired)

Health Wellness Futurist
Personalised Medicine
Focus on Nutrition and Metabolic
Syndrome/ Diabetes, Neurological &
Mental Health, Anti-Aging & Rejuvenation, Energy Vibrational Medicine


Sharon Boo 
Certified Nutritionist ITEC  level 3 Certificate In 
Diet & Nutrition (Complementary Therapy)
Certificate In Holistic Nutrition & Consultation Skills

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Yasmine Lee

ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Diet and Nutrition Therapist


Charyle Wong 
Fitness Coach / Nutritionist
Bachelor of Management & Mathematics
Royal Holloway University of London


Rashwini Gopal
Bachelor of Nutrition (Honors)
Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology


Jasmine Deng 
International Diet & Nutrition Specialist 
Major in Chinese Medicine &  Acupuncture 

Professional Nurse Practice in China


Franck Wong 
Int’l Wellness Speaker
Certified Nutritionist
Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition 
eCornell University, USA
Sports Nutrition (International 
Sports Academy, USSA)


•Diet Supporting Medication / Surgery: 

•Chemo/Radio – managing side-effects (fatigue, nausea, etc)

•Preparing for surgery & after – vegan, keto or paleo diet plans

•No 1 killer in Singapore, preventative measures through diet

•Building a robust immune system


"I want to thank God for this health program helping my husband's (Richard) cancer recovery.  The chemo really worked well on him with the program. "

= Virginia =


"My immune become very low after going through radiotherapy, but after the health program, it has helped me build strong immunity & I do not fall sick easily."

= Mdm Tan =

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"After the health program I can see her pain lessened a lot and no side effect on her chemo therapy Pancreatic Cancer survivor."

= Vera on her sister-in-law =

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Prevention Over Primary Interventions
Nutritional Science: 
Controlling Your Health Destiny

How To Age Slower While Maintaining 
Full Mental & Physical Well-being!
Cellular reprogramming via superior NAD+ diet pathways to reverse age-related epigenetic alterations in cells and tissues. 

Nourishing the Mighty Mitochondria!


Date: 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Camden Medical Centre
#01-04, 1 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 248649

How to Reach Us:
1. MRT
(Walk about 1 min, 120m)
Thomson East Coast Line: TE 13 - Orchard Boulevard

World-Class Outstanding Experience & Outstanding Clinical Outcomes
Zare Award Winning Health Program


We have been conducting monthly health seminars for the past decade - the no brainer conclusion is that it has to be successful or effective for being able to last that long!


Date: 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Camden Medical Centre
#01-04, 1 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 248649

How to Reach Us:
1. MRT (Walk about 1 min, 120m)
Thomson East Coast Line: TE 13 - Orchard Boulevard

2. Tanglin Road Bus Stop: No 7, 36, 77, 105, 106, 123, 132, 174, 401, 402, 502.
Grange Road Bus Stop: No 75, 77 105, 106, 111, 123, 132.

3. Free shuttle service
From Newton MRT Exit C (from Downtown Line), Bus Stop 40041.
For bus schedules/map click



•Spotting risk factors 

•Managing the right heart healthy diet

•Reduce Inflammation

•1 in 3 deaths in women are from heart attack & stroke, why?

•How does family history affect one’s heart health?


•The difference & danger between fruit sugar vs white sugar

•Managing glucose, HBP, high cholesterol & triglycerides levels

•If it is sugar-free, can I eat as much as I want?

•Why is Singapore No 1 with the youngest diabetics in Asia & No 2 globally right behind the States? How do I prevent this?


•Can cracking knuckles cause arthritis?

•Why does my joint pain come & go?

•What are the worst foods to avoid?

•Is there a cure for osteoporosis or arthritis?

•How to manage eczema or skin rashes?

•Managing diets for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout pain, fibromyalgia


•Special diet for yoga, HIIT, marathon runners, basketball, soccer, Muay Thai etc


•Lactic acid buildup & quick muscle recovery methods

•Sprained knee, ankle, torn Achilles tendon, etc relief diets that work

•Accidents relief diet plans


Superior diet to address:


•Fever, tiredness, back pain

•Urge to use the bathroom often, pressure in lower belly, infections

•Managing morning sickness & healthy blood sugar


•Postnatal stress & wound recovery

•Breast milk nourishment plan


•Depression, low energy, headaches

•Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, & nausea, tense muscles

•Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, Insomnia

•Frequent colds & infections

•Loss of sexual desire and/or ability


•Recognizing memory loss, confusion, mood & behavior changes

•APOE4 gene is the strongest risk factor but can it be turned off?

•Can MCI – Mild Cognitive impairment turn into dementia?

•1 in 10 people aged 60 & above may have dementia. What diet is good for brain health?

•Recognizing memory loss, confusion, mood & behavior changes

•APOE4 gene is the strongest risk factor but can it be turned off?

•Can MCI – Mild Cognitive impairment turn into dementia?

•1 in 10 people aged 60 & above may have dementia. What diet is good for brain health?


•I’m pregnant / breast feeding, having food allergy, diabetes, cancer etc.
Can I get vaccinated & how must I prepare?

•Does vaccine alter DNA? Overcoming fear of vaccines

•What are booster shots?

•How safe are the vaccines between pharma companies?

•Why do I have frequent flu?


Date: 25 Jan 2025 (Saturday)

Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Venue: Camden Medical Centre

#01-04, 1 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 248649

For Queries, Contact +65 9457 5347 / +65 9154 5642

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All rights reserved 2020 Záře International Pte Ltd
Disclaimer: The presentation by our health team provides general information through a range of health topics only for educational and informational purposes as part of a general discussion of public health. The content does not include medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or any other individual and is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Do not use the this information in place of a visit, consultation, or advise of your licensed healthcare provider.

Never disregard medical or professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you hear or view from our heath team. Please ask your physician or other healthcare provider to assist in understanding any information that you may learn from our presentation and/or other services.

Individual results may vary because no 2 persons are alike. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of their diet, nutrition, medication, lifestyle, environmental & genetic factors.

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